What are the qualities of good brand photos and videos that will help a business accomplish its goals? Your probably already know these deep down, but we thought it worth putting in words.  Once you know what makes great brand content, you can use them in a tonne of ways, both for photos, and videos.

Here are 5 things we think help make the brand content you generate be successful.

1. Being Authentic, Natural, or Genuine

Customers and employees alike can sniff out false-ness pretty easily. They are not ignorant or dumb. So photos that genuinely capture your story will resonate better.

2. Careful Targeting and Messaging

Before any shoot you should be careful that we’re asking and answering the right questions, as well as have a clear understanding of how the story you tell will resonate with the target market. This content should help place your brand and product or service within your target’s life. This takes at minimum an understanding of who you are, what you do, and why, and at best a detailed analysis of what your ideal client wants, expects, and their lifestyle, in relation to your own story.

3. Be easy to look at or watch

If you have ever tried to watch something badly made, it can be off-putting, and would not reflect well on your business. So paying attention to the details in the visuals and the audio is important to get people to actually watch it.

4. The right length (for video)

With so many distractions available to people these days, it is important that your video be digestible by today’s audiences, on the medium they are viewing it on. That is, someone on a social platform is more likely to watch something short, while on your website they might engage with a longer video.

5. Versatile

The beauty of both photo and video is how they can be used in so many places. With photos it is obvious, while with video you can really capitalize on what you’ve done, but it takes a bit more work.

How do we do this in our work for you?


You and your clients’ story is what’s most important to us, not our own notions of what’s right. We share our expertise, but first we listen to truly understand your needs, and create something great together.


We are a team of diverse individuals who all bring something unique to the table. We have systems and processes in place to ensure that everything gets done how and when we said it would.

Easy to work with

Can you imagine opening up for someone you didn’t like? Or for your employees to speak truthfully? We help people feel comfortable so that they can genuinely speak their story

We take our work but not ourselves seriously

We are humble. We are open to feedback. We realize that we don’t always know what’s best until we learn more. But we love having fun along the way!

On shoot day, and in post-production we are careful to address all the details

  • What’s in the frame on every shot if possible
  • Careful lighting
  • Very careful sound
  • A disarming way of interviewing and shooting to get the most authentic results
  • Highly skilled editing to bring out the best in your story