We wrote a blog on how you can use and reuse your video content, as well as 10 ways you can use brand lifestyle images, so we thought it would be helpful to share what we’ve heard/seen our clients do with their headshots. We’ve written about some of the reasons to have a great headshot. The main impact of a headshot is to build trust with your clients. So anywhere you think that it could help with that is fair game!

On your website

This is the number one place that most people will put their headshot.  When someone browses to your about page, the trust you can build with a well-taken, professional headshot, that is both flattering but also truthful and genuine, is huge.

Business card

Many people will put their headshot right on their business card.  It’s little, but it is still helpful for the person you met to match a face to the name when your card has joined the pile of other cards on their desk.  How many business cards on my desk are there that I have no idea who its from anymore? A little picture helps jog the memory.

LinkedIn Profile

This is another popular use for headshots. LinkedIn is probably the top business social network, and contacting someone with a good and recent headshot probably is better than with a bad one or not at all, if you’re trying to connect online.

Microsoft Teams profile picture

We don’t use teams, but a lot of our corporate clients say this is one of the ways they’ll use the headshots we give them.  They are used sometimes when the person’s camera is turned off in a meeting, or maybe if it’s an audio meeting, then it’s helpful for the other people in the call to know who they are talking to.

Email Signature

While a video bio is even better for your email signature, a photo helps too.  Anything in your signature that can start to build a relationship with your prospect is helpful, in particular if you’re responding to inquiries or doing outreach to specific clients.  The advantage of the video is that you can pack more information about you in it – what you do for work, and for fun – so that your prospect will already start to feel like they know you just a little bit. Just be careful that the style of your headshot matches the role that you have in your business.

On a Brochure or Takeaway handout

This is a very common use for a headshot portrait. When you’re giving out a takeaway about a particular service, offering, or promotion, it’s common to have a bit of a bio about you, and a great headshot along with that can be helpful to make sure the recipient both remembers your face, and feels more comfortable calling you.

Bio Blurb

Many of our clients come to us for headshots to use for an upcoming speaking engagement or for participation in a panel, podcast, or other public engagements.  This helps the people who might be interested  in hearing them get a sense of the person they will see or hear from, and helps establish authority and professionalism.

Out-Of-Home Advertising

A headshot is used by many people in so-called ‘out-of-home’ advertising, both digital and in print.  Think transit shelters, digital billboards, print billboards, benches, small digital boards, etc. These have a huge visibility.  While it is not appropriate for every business, it can work for a lot. With the right image and the right messaging, it can be very very effective.